

Y.A.I Friends!

Y.A.I higher Education Institutions consisting of Persada Indonesia University  Y.A.I, Institute of Economic Science ( STIE )YAI, and Y.A.I Accounting Academy have opened New Student Registration for the 2022/2023 Academic year.

Persada Indonesia university Y.A.I and Y.A.I collage of Economics have been Accredited by Higher Education Institutions, and for all study Program at Y.A.I Higher education institutions have been accredited by BAN-PT.  

Get a 100%  Base money scholarship during the period of wave 1 (November 2021 - February 2022).

Register Your Self quickly at and get a discount Registration Form by entering the code yai1972.

More info about Scholarship and Registration :

Program Diploma & Sarjana

Telp. 021-3916000/3916595

Call Center. 0878 5333 1972

Operasional Time

Senin s/d Jum'at Pukul 10.00 - 16.00 WIB

Sabtu Pukul 10.00 – 15.00 WIB

Follow account instagram PMB Y.A.I : @joinyaicampus dan Tiktok Y.A.I Campus : @yaicampus

Ensure Your Career and Bright Future

#PMB #PendaftaranMahasiswaBaruYAICampus #Gelombang1 #November2021sdFebruari2022 #YAICampus #UPIYAI #STIEYAI #AAYAI #49TahunYAI1972 #KampusStrategis #Kuliahdijakarta #PerguruanTinggi #DitjenDikti #KampusMerdeka #MerdekaBelajar


Tags: Scholarship