Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I Profile

Universitas Persada Indonesia  Y.A.I Profile

Dr. (HC) H. Julius Sjukur

Founder and Owner of Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia

Chairman of Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia

Coordinator of LPT Y.A.I (UPI Y.A.I, STIE Y.A.I, AA Y.A.I)

Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia:

Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I (Rector : Prof. Ir. Sri Astuti Indriyati, M.S. Ph.D)

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Y.A.I (Chairman : Dr. RR. Reschiwati, MM., Ak)

Akademi Akuntansi Y.A.I (Director :Christiano Lambogia., SE., Ak., M.M)


Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Y.A.I History

Growing and Developing to be bigger and the best is the goal of the Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia (Y.A.I). Y.A.I's History of service, which began in 1972 by organizing Accounting Courses with dozens of students, has now developed into three Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Y.A.I(LPT Y.A.I)  with the multi-study program and multi strata.


Ketiga LPT Y.A.I tersebut adalah:

Akademi Akuntansi Y.A.I (AA Y.A.I)

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Y.A.I (STIE Y.A.I)

Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I (UPI Y.A.I)


The number of students for the three LPT Y.A.I to date have reached approximately 20,000 people. Starting with ranting educational facilities, but currently has 4 campuses equipped with modern educational equipment. Even so, Y.A.I have not Forgotten its origins, even continuing to develop Y.A.I courses, which annually have approximately 1,000 students, are spread across course branches in the five areas of DKI Jakarta. 

Study Programs within LPT Y.A.I received a very positive response from the business world, industry, government, and society. 
This is evidenced by the spread of LPT Y.A.I alumni in various sectors of business activities and the increasing number of new students who entrust their future through formal education within the LPT Y.A.I.

For the sake of continuity of education, Y.A.I have opened post-graduate programs for strata 2 and strata 3 with Master in Management, Accounting, and Psychology study programs and Doctoral programs in Economics and Psychology. The postgraduate program is to accommodate the wishes of the community and alumni to achieve higher levels of education.

The government's trust in LPT Y.A.I is realized by granting Accredited A and B status to all study programs at LPT Y.A.I. In carrying out their education, LPT Y.A.I have a far-sighted vision to participate in the intellectual life of the nation.


LPT Y.A.I Vision

To become a leading Higher Education Institution that implements the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and can produce high-quality alumni, virtuous and have a professional mental attitude, have a global perspective, develop science and technology as well as contribute knowledge to the interests of the progress of the nation and state.

LPT Y.A.I Mision

Organizing higher education programs through the faculties and study programs in the form of:

Knowledge and technology transfer activities to students in the context of forming quality, virtuous and professional human resources with a global perspective.

Research and development activities of science and technology through scientific research.

Real and direct activities that can improve the welfare of the community, nation and state.


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